Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Example of people who do not know who to drive in bad weather conditions So, last night I was going to go to bed and get ready for the next boring day at work. Then magic occurred. The Gods looked down on me and said "No Work For You"! Around 8 last night, it started to sleet and it progressively went from a slight noise to all out disturbance. The temperature also changed drastically as well by starting at 34 degrees and dropping to 18 degrees. And at 11 pm, I got a call to say that work was closed for the next day. So I did what anyone else would do in my situation, I drank like crazy and watched horrible movies. Normally I would go out and celebrate my surprise day off, but there is no way in hell that I was going out in those type of weather conditions.

I enjoyed my day off by watching stupid people drive way too fast and crashing on the news. nursing my unexpected hangover and working on the "Rough Wednesday" website. Now I have to prepare myself for work tomorrow and act like I enjoy it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tom Jane

Tom Jane and I This past weekend, I got the chance to meet Tom Jane. For people who do not know who is, he is an actor that has been in Boogie Nights, The Mist, The Punisher, and the Sweetest Thing just to name a few.

He seemed to be a pretty laid back and cool guy. He talked about how on the set of "Boogie Nights", he and Burt Reynolds got into an actual fist fight while trying to shoot a scene. Apparently, the two were doing a scene where Burt Reynolds was trying to kick everyone out of his house and Burt got too rough with everyone (especially Tom Jane).

Now, Tom Jane seems like a kick ass guy but even he has his limits. He said the Burt Reynolds was being a dick to everyone that day and Tom couldn't take it anymore. The director, Paul Thomas Anderson, likes to take long uncut takes when he makes his movies and he just let the two duke it out on the set. The whole incident lasted only for 5 minutes, but that would have been an awesome 5 minutes to witness. The next day, Burt Reynolds sent Tom Jane a bottle of champagne and an article titled "Burt Reynolds and Mark Wahlberg Fight On Movie Set". Tom thought he finally made in into the industry because he was getting confused with a real celebrity.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rough Wednesday

The Lazy Sunday podcast is no more my friends. It is officially over, well not really. Paul and I are doing a new show call "Rough Wednesday". It follows the same format but this time we are giong to take it a little more seriously. Lazy Sunday just became us recording ourselves getting really drunk and see how many people we could piss off. Paul and I didnt mind, but his new neighbors were pretty upset. But look for the new show on itunes and our new website we made just for the podcast is right here. Right now, it only says hello, but give us a week and it should be awesome.

The Tool Academy

VH1 has a new show called the "Tool Academy" on Sunday nights. This has to be one of the funniest shows I have seen. The show is about a bunch of douche bags and how bad ass they think they are. One of the tools likes to pick up women with his awesome bowling skills, so that just tells what kind of guy he is. The first episode was classic. The producers and host of the show tell all of the "contestants" that they are on a show called "Mr. Awesome". They think the premise of the show is to see who is the biggest alpha-male out there. Their first mission: impress some ladies and the walk on the catwalk of course. The guys also talk alot of shit about their girlfriends and how the cheat on them all the time and how the have them trained to do whatever they please.
Now here is the funny as hell part. What the guys do not know is that their girlfriends are at the same place watching everything that they are doing. The girlfriends then come out from hiding and more comedy occurs. This is one of those shows that everyone says that they are going to hate but they watch it anyway.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy new year everyone. New Years Eve was a pretty good night. A group of us went to my friend Ogle and Meagan's house for new year's eve because their neighborhood was throwing a block party to celebrate the occasion. I haven't been to a block party in awhile and this was a pretty good time. The neighborhood closed down the streets and everyone (about 50 to 60 people) started to set up grills, fireplaces, and drinking areas all over the place. One of the neighbors, Zack, made tons of jello shots for everyone and they were fantastic. Once midnight came, everyone was outside and got a bottle of champagne and started to toast with everyone. After that, we shot of fireworks and took shots of some horrible liquor that I immediately regretted. I finally passed out around 4 a.m. and woke up around 10a.m. We were supposed to go to some brunch but non of us were up to. Instead, we just ordered a pizza and finished the rest of the bottles of champagne. So over all, it was a really good night and start to good year.