Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kevin The Gardner

I am going to add a new job to my resume: professional gardener. No, I should be more exact: Master Professional Gardner Extraordinaire.

Stephanie and I decided to get some flowers and vegetables to grow in a garden that we have in the front and in the back of the house.

I have tried to grow a garden before by using the Topsy Turvy upside down planters, but they tomato and strawberry plants were dead within a week. I am hoping that I will have better luck this time around.

After a couple of weeks of planting and tending to all of the flowers and vegetables, things are turning out great. We already have some green peppers growing along with a ton of cilantro and all three of our zucchini plants blooming like crazy.

Since I know so little about gardening, Stephanie got me the Gardening Handbook for Dummies. So far I haven't killed anything, but I think it is mainly due to the fact that Stephanie is in charge and she just gives me the illusion that I am doing something right. She is pretty good at that.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks, I will have an update with pictures of all of our vegetable and flower garden.

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