Sunday, March 11, 2012

Birthday Dinner

Well it is that time of the year again for me to turn a year older and somewhat wiser.

This year, I decided to take it easy and just have a nice dinner with some friends. But before I can tell you about that, I need to tell you about the night before.

Since Friday was my actual birthday, I turned 29 by the way, Stephanie took my out to a Mexican Restaurant called Miguelitos after she showered me with some very thoughtful and special gifts and homemade red velvet brownies.

The restaurant was awesome. Miguelitos had some pretty damn good food and even tastier margaritas. Plus, the sopapillas weren't too bad either.

The next night, Stephanie and I had a small birthday dinner party at one of my favorite BYOB Italian restaurants: Dino's.

Even though I have only been to Dino's a handful of times, it has quickly become one of my favorite places to eat, mainly because it was a BYOB place.

I had a nice turn out for my 29th annual birthday celebration. Stephanie, Ogle, Meagan, their 2 year old son Caleb, Trl, Natalie, Billy, Brittany, Amy, Colin, Paul, Katie, their 2 month old son Mark, Brian, and Jess. And I cant forget the ton of wine and beer that people brought for this special occasion.

Over the next several hours, it seemed that we, along with another birthday group, took over the entire restaurant. Stories were being told, or in my case retold for the 20th time, jokes were being made, bottles of wine and beer were being disposed in our empty stomachs for nutrients, and Caleb was running all over the place trying to destroy anything and everything in his path.

As the night went on, several people had to leave either due to prior engagements or family reasons. The remainder of the group decided to go the the P and K Tavern, aka Paul and Katie's house, because the restaurant closed at 10 and we were still there way passed that time.

After an hour or so at the P and K Tavern and several rounds of Beer Battleship later, it was time to call it a night and head home. It was a classy was to celebrate my birthday, but now I have to top it for my 30th birthday. I am thinking multiple bounce houses and kegs will have to be included in the festivities.

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