Friday, December 30, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about dreams lately, (don't worry, I am not talking about the catchy Cranberries song) and now I can finally learn the meaning behind them.

I recently received a dream dictionary as a Christmas gift that will tell me what my dreams actually mean. Below are a couple of examples of some dreams that I have been having and kind of want to know if there are any meanings behind them.

The Clown Dream
I always have this dream that I'm in my room but it's pitch dark except this glowing blue light that surrounds my bed kinda, and I'm standing on top of it with a shovel in my hands. I also have this huge feeling of fear. I always bend down to look under my bed and right when I do that this head pops out and it's this messed up clown and bash it in the head with the shovel, but it never seems to die! When it comes out from under the bed the thing is wearing a blue jump suit, and has this really messed up face with this creepy broken smile. And I keep hitting it with the shovel and it never does anything. And I keep yelling for help because I know my parents are in the next room, but they can't hear me. Then the thing takes the shovel and starts hitting himself with it like it mocking me. And right when it gets in my face I jump awake. I never forget that dream, and the weird thing is that I'm not even scared of clowns.

The Zombie Dream
My neighbor, Kim, had turned into a zombie and it was my responsibility to protect my dog Scout. The events leading up to the main encounter are unclear but I recall chopping Kim's head off with an axe. When Scout asked (yes, my dog started to talk just like a human) if she was alright I replied that "she was sleeping". I then fled away from the rest of the zombies onto a school bus. There were several other people already seated; I assumed they were also survivors. I was wrong; they were vampires and I awoke moments prior to being attacked.

The Magical Sheep
I had a dream where a sheep was a certified hypnotist and convinced everyone that he was a magician... It was really weird... and that's pretty much all I remember..

I am going to look up all of this information and see what these dreams need to me. Hopefully it will be something interesting instead of something dull like me needing to stop drinking so much cranberry juice before I go to bed.

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