Monday, September 26, 2011

Austin City Limits 2011

Well, it is that time of the year again where I embark on a journey to Austin, Texas and attend a 3 day concert known as Austin City Limits.

I am particularly excited about this year because there are going to be some acts that will be at ACL, or what one of my musically challenged friends refers to as THE PUSSY ROCK FESTIVAL, that I would not normally get the chance to see.

Some of those acts were Kayne West, Stevie Wonder (who was bad ass by the way), Randy Newman, Jack Ingram, and Cee Lo Green. Another great aspect of this festival is that you can check out a band who may have one well known song on the radio at the time and see what the rest of their set is like. That is how I discovered bands like Grace Potter and the Nocturnals and Cut Copy.

One thing I experienced this year that I have yet to go through any of the previous ACL Festivals that I went to was the rain. It had a constant drizzle of rain on Friday and Saturday. It would have been great if it just down poured for a little bit instead of an all day constant drizzle because I got pretty damn tired of wiping the rain off of my glasses.

The highlights of the concert for me this year was seeing Arcade Fire close the festival, Randy Newman singing "You've Got A Friend In Me" from Toy Story, Coldplay, and Stevie Wonder singing everything that he sung.

Oh, and I cant forget all of the people at the concert. If you ever just want to enjoy a good weekend of people watching, then you should try this festival out. I saw all kinds of people dressed in all kinds of ways that will haunt my dreams. Some of the people were scarier than Pennywise, the killer clown from Stephen King's "It".

I almost didn't make the concert this year due to travel restraints and me being sick. My sickness, just my allergies acting up like a woman who has been scorned in any LifeTime man hater movie, actually saved me a ton of money. This is the first where I didn't drink because I was on medication and that was the main reason how I saved so much money. A couple of my friends would have at 4 beers a day (the concert was 12 hours each day) at $7 each which is $28 a day and $84 for the weekend. I ended up only spending a grand total of $60 for the whole weekend. I was pretty damn proud of myself.

Another great money saver plan that I put into action was that I only ate 1 kolache and 2 slices of shitty pizza every day I was in Austin with the exception of Sunday when I had some eggs with my kolache.

It was another good year at ACL and hopfully I can attend next years event as well.

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