Monday, August 30, 2010

The Master Pancake Theatre

Have you ever wanted to see one of your favorite movies while some comedians put their own commentary on speakers? Then you need to get your ass to the Alamo Draft House in Austin, Texas and enjoy The Master Pancake Theatre.

The Master Pancake Theatre is part of the Alamo tradition of pairing bad movies with live comedy (and beer)! It's smart, fast, and bust-a-gut funny.

I have never been to a Master Pancake Theatre show before, but from what all of my friends were telling me, it makes the movie even better. The basic theme of the whole experience is just to have fun at and get the crowd involved in the jokes as well.

The best way that I can describe it is it operates the same way that a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show does. People get to yell things and drink when a character says or does a certain thing. Also, there is a bunch of crowd participation before and during the film.

Before this particular showing of The Breakfast Club, teams of 2 were invited to come up to the stage and toss a pancake from one skillet to the other without dropping it. The team who could do it the most won. Cody and I went up there as Bullet/Proof. All of teams before us messed up quickly and we seemed like we had a chance to win until the team before us went up.

Apparently this team majored in tossing pancakes to each other because they were unstoppable. They were tossing pancakes like it was an art form or a really shitty ballet that girls would love to watch for 2 and a half hours with their boyfriends because it will be something different to do that we bring them close together but the boyfriend is just going so he can do something "special" that night with her WINK WINK.

Bullet and I knew that had to bring our A game in front of a crowd of several hundred people. That is exactly what he did, at least to our own standards, that is what he did. Team Bullet/Proof did very well until toss #5. That is when I dropped the pancake and was stuck in 2ND place.

The teams after us only reached to 3 flips and it we were officially in 2ND place or, depending how you are looking at it, 1st place in losing. The Master Pancake Theatre group was originally only going to give awards to the 1st place team and to whoever made the most craziest catch. But then something miraculous happened. Something that you would only see at the end of a feel good Disney movie, people started to chant "Bullet/Proof".

At first we thought it was only our friends that were cheering us on, but it was also some of the drunken members of the crowd. Because of our drunk comrades, the Master Pancake Theatre Group gave us our own prize, a $10 gift card to Kerby Lane, one of the best breakfasts places on earth.

Once the opening skit was done, it was time for the movie to begin. The show started with trailers and commercials from the year The Breakfast Club was released. The comedians were awesome to say the least. They made jokes and observations that never noticed in the movie before.

About halfway through the movie, they comedians stopped the show and had a Dating Game parody with people dressed up as the male characters from the movie. You can catch that video here. That lasted about 15 minutes and it was back to the movie time.

Oh, one quick thing to mention, if you have ever seen the movie, then you know that the Principal gives the Horns sign with his hand alot. Every time he does that , the crowd was supposed to yell Fisted Sister and take a drink. It was a great game but make sure you something to drink because the Principal goes nuts with the Horns gesture from time to time. There was also a contest on who could hold their breath underwater the longest during the film's longest pan scene, which you can watch here.

Overall, it was one hell of a good time and I hope they bring something like that to my neck of the woods.

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