Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Birthday Parties, Going Away Parties, and Bachelor Parties

It seems that ever since the last week of July, I have had some sort party to go to. So far, I have gone to 3 birthday parties, a going away party, a bachelor party and more to attend in the next couple of weeks.

2 out 3 of the birthday parties that I have attended have been fuel by alcohol at either a karaoke bar or the time vampire known as Caves. We call Caves a time vampire because you can show up there at 8 and before you know it, it is 2 am and it is closing time.

The first birthday party that I attended was actually for my mom. My old man and I took my mom to a brunch at a great place called Joe's. They make the best pies and omelets that I have ever had, although I have never had them at the same time.

After breakfast, my mom wanted to see Salt at the Movie Tavern. So that is exactly what we did. The movie was actually pretty good and my mom enjoyed it a lot. When we got home, we showered my mom with flowers, dinner, and gifts. I know what you are thinking and you are right, I am the best son ever.

The 2ND birthday party I went to was also a Going Away party for my friend Jarrod. He is moving to Korea for a year and teach Korean kids English. He decided to have his party at a Karaoke party called Bogart's.

I was actually surprised to see how many people could fit in such a small bar. Usually, Bogart's is just one of those bars where they have a pool table, a couple of chairs and tables, a bar top, and a cigarette machine. There had to be at least 25 of Jarrod's friends that showed up and that doesn't include the regular customers that were at the bar.

Since Bogart's is a karaoke bar, there was a lot of drunken singing. At one point of the night, all of the guys got a couple of the mics and belted out the best version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" that has ever been sung at a bar at 1 a.m.

After several drinks and even more horrible renditions of songs have been raped by retarded people in their mid 20s, it was time to go. The majority of the people were going home while the Man of The Hour invited a group of people to go to a house party with him. So my carload and I went to what we were told was going to be an awesome time. When we got to the place, it was a completely different story.

When I walked in to the house, it seemed like I was in a stereotypical Frat movie. Some guy is throwing up outside while his girlfriend is trying to take of him and some random girl is passed out in a lawn chair near the front door. As I walked inside, almost everyone was passed out or just about to. The inside kind of reminded me of the scene in "The Salton Sea" where everyone is doing drugs and passing out. But instead of drugs, it was only a large amount of alcohol. And if you have not seen the movie, then you need to because it is beyond awesome.

After being at the so called house party for 20 minutes, it was time to leave and head home and prepare for the next weekend full of debauchery.

Birthday party #3 is now upon us. This party was actually for Jarrod's brother Jon, who turned 27. The party was held at a bar called Caves or otherwise known as the Time Vampire. We call it the Time Vampire because that place will just suck the time right out of you and in a good way. You may walk in at 6 pm and then all of a sudden it is 2 am and its closing time.

This time there was about 20 people there and the Guest of Honor and his Lady Friend were almost an hour late to their own party, which meant they had to catch up on an hour of drinking very quickly. One thing I like about Caves is that around 10 or 11, a lady will come in a sell some of her homemade tacos and burritos. The food is good at first but you will regret it the next morning.The party was great, tons of shots were be taken, memories were being erased, and tabs were being paid. And the good part was that Jon didn't throw up at the bar and pass out by the shed again like last year.

The next night, Saturday, August 7th was the final party of this crazy 2 week journey. This was the mother of all parties because it was a bachelor party. We all know what may or may not occur at this parties so I will just let you imagination do all the work for you on this portion of the entry.

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