Monday, July 5, 2010

Kansas City Trip

Well, it is that time of the year again where I get to board a plane and head to a magical and mystical place called Kansas City.

The reason for the trip was to attend my cousin Candace's housewarming party and also to hang out with my extended family.

Within the first 30 minutes of my stay in Kansas, I knew I was in for a good time. At the airport waiting to pick me up was my Uncle Bob and my cousins Dirk and Daniel. All three of them are pretty laid back and were ready to grab a drink or 12. So off to the bar we were going.

We had to make one quick pit stop before we go to a bar named Tanner's. My cousin Stephanie just got home and wanted us to go pick her up.

After a 20 minute pit stop, we finally arrive at Tanner's and were ready to drink and eat. After our first drink order, we got some food and started to joke around and told what everyone has been up to lately.

The funny thing about when order a first round and start talking, that one round will quickly become 3 rounds which soon becomes 5 rounds and then should end at round 8. This is where I decided to call my Aunt Linda and act like everyone forgot to pick me at the airport. Everyone at the table were laughing and thought it was pretty damn funny. And by everyone, I mean everyone but my Aunt Linda. For some reason, she did not find the humor in our joke.

After a couple of hours at Tanner's, my cousin Dirk and I decided to hit The Plaza (the downtown area of Kansas) and try a couple of bars there.

Now I have been in Kansas since 11:30 am and it is now about 3 p.m. and The Plaza has way too many bars for a my cousin and I to hit up in one afternoon. So Dirk and I decide to stick with just one bar and also so I could meet his girlfriend Danielle.

Dirk told me about a decent bar called Tom Fooliers and it seemed like a good choice. After a few short hours, a couple of drinks and meeting Danielle, it was time to meet up with some more of my relatives for dinner and there was only one choice to have dinner at. Rudy's. This has to be one of my favorite Mexican restaurants to eat at when I am visiting my family.

Waiting at the restaurant for Dirk, Danielle, and myself were my Uncle Dan, Aunt Denise, cousins Julie, Jackie, and Dan. Dinner was basically the same as lunch. We just hung out, talked, drank, and basically had a good time.

After dinner, everyone went to my cousin Dan and Dirk' s house for a small party with some more of the cousins. After the Aunts and Uncles left, we decided to head to the Twin City Tavern for a couple of drinks and meet up some friends of my cousins for an hour or so.

When we were done drinking at the bar, everyone decided to come over to Dirk and Dan's place to keep everything going and not spending way too much money at the bar. We also knew that this would ultimately lead to a family tradition that I have with my cousin Dan. This tradition would be going to the Town Topic Hamburger Stand.

The Town Topic Hamburger Stand is an extremely small grill where only 3 people can fit behind the counter and dozen customers can fit inside at max. It is probably some of the best drunk food that anyone can get at 3 in the morning.

The next day, Dan and I got ready to head over to my cousin Candace's housewarming party around 3 in the afternoon. This was the main reason why I came to Kansas to visit. The party was beyond awesome on all accounts.

At the party, there was tons of food, beer, shots, beer pong, and flip cup. I am pretty sure that the neighbors received a rude awakening when they found out how late and how loud my family can be when we drink.

Candace did buy a pretty kick ass house. It is a 3 story house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a game room, a huge backyard and a damn good kitchen. It is definitely a great house and I expect more parties to be there for some quite time.

Hours later, the party ended I was within minutes of passing out, which was a good thing since my flight back home was at noon and I had a wedding to attend. It was a damn good weekend that I or my liver wont forget for a long time.

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