Thursday, July 29, 2010

SmodCast with Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier

A sold out Granada Theater greeted screenwriter, author and director, Kevin Smith last night, Wednesday July 28th in Dallas, Texas.

Kevin Smith is most widely known for the Jay and Silent Bob characters he created. They've appeared in comic books and in several of his films (Clerks, Mall Rats, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II and more).

While the success of most of these films rely on the immaturity of the audience, Smith’s more sensitive side is subtly present. Smith's screenwriting style tends to attract mostly a mostly younger, male audience. Several other films demonstrate a more grown up perspective on life, love and story telling. In Chasing Amy, for example Smith tells the story of best friends and new love. In a way that is very uniquely his own, he engages raunchy humor with genuine laugh out loud moments before wrapping the whole thing together with the nakedness of unnatural and unrequited love, leaving you teary eyed for Ben Affleck’s character, Holden and equally conflicted for his love interest, Alyssa, played by Joey Lauren Adams.

Smith’s films are smart. When you watch them, you don’t feel like you’re being told a story or watching a movie. You feel like the characters are real people, probably people you’ve known at some point in your life. And as they live out their day, or week or year on the screen, you snuggle in and listen, as if they were on the other end of a long distance telephone call telling you the whole thing themselves, in their very own words.

Smith’s films are smart. When you watch them, you don’t feel like you’re being told a story or watching a movie. You feel like the characters are real people, probably people you’ve known at some point in your life. And as they live out their day, or week or year on the screen, you snuggle in and listen, as if they were on the other end of a long distance telephone call telling you the whole thing themselves, in their very own words.

Each week, Smith and Mosier host a one hour podcast that they’ve coined, SModcast. (S for Smith and M for Mosier replacing the P from Podcast). The tour and the event in Dallas on Wednesday was a live SModcast, or Live Nude SModcast, as the advertisements would have it.

Although the event was sponsored by Fleshlight (an adult product), the show did not contain any nudity. However, the ratings agencies would have surely restricted access to the content based on the subject matter.

Smith shared a local story about being hit with a couple of eggs during a visit to Dallas last year. After leaving a Chili’s restaurant with his mom and some friends, some Dallasites drove up on the group tossing a few eggs at Smith. Several months later, a video surfaced of the attackers planning the egging. They claimed to be seeking retaliation against Smith for “selling out”. Smith mimicked the Seinfeld television show reenactment of the Kennedy assassination as he relayed the egging story, remarking that during the attack a certain meatier part of his body had gone back and to the left.

He also managed to get in a Southwest Airlines jab during the bit as he explained that his size had protected him from being harmed in the egging. (See: Kevin Smith at Southwest Airlines)

Smith also reminisced about his childhood and watching the television show Dallas with his mother. He remembered that his mother had suggested that maybe one day he "could have a ranch like Southfork". He recalled that the show seemed to have a lot of sexual encounters on it and remarked that made him belived that "Dallas [chicks] like to f**ck."

SModcasts routinely involve discussions about news events and Wednesday’s was no exception. Smith relayed a local story about a WT White High School student who was arrested for masturbating in class. Mosier and Smith spent the better part of half an hour on this subject which led into the most awkward and worst places the two of them had done it, along with a dare for Mosier to use the Granada’s stage in front of the crowd to top his most awkward place. The two finished up their set after about an hour and a half, by giving away five fleshlights to random fans.

Following Smith and Mosier’s performance, the Tell ‘em Live team (Walt Flanagan and Bryan Johnson) took the stage with Brian Quinn. The Tell ‘em Live team had a similar presence with a conversational vibe, sharing stories and interacting with the audience.

The Weather in Texas..... because it is becoming more and more unbearably hot. At least I saw 3 (legal) girls in bikinis playing in a kiddie pool near my work.

Monday, July 12, 2010

BBQ on a Sunday with an Ear Infection

The best way to spend any Sunday is to spend a Sunday at a BBQ and Pool Party. But did you know that there is a way to make it even more extreme? All you have to do is add case of an extreme case of ear infection and you are in business.

That is how I like to spend my pool parties. Drinking margaritas, eating hamburgers, and avoiding water getting in or near my ear at all costs.

My friend Colin has a girlfriend, Meredith, who has parents, who owns a house, and that house has a pool in the backyard. And that pool was just waiting for some fun to occur on July 11, 2010.

Meredith did have a good turn out. She had a bunch of her friends over and we just hung out, swam, and played washers. I could only stay for a couple of hours due my ear infection and it also being Sunday and I had to get ready for work the next day.

I probably had the best margaritas ever that day. The only ingredients that I know that was in the drink was tequila, tequila, and even more tequila. Best recipe ever.

Dollar Day at the Horse Track

Who can say no to Dollar Day at the Horse Track? Not me, that is who. Honestly, who in their right mind could say no to $1 hot dogs, beer, sodas, parking, popcorn, parking, admission, and programs. Probably some poor douche who has no soul and that was never loved as a kid. Poor Bastard.

I did end up a big winner that day. 4 bucks! Thats right, winner winner chicken dinner. So i went and bought 2 more beers and 2 more hot dogs. I was only at the track from 1 to 4:30 and the heat wore me out. Well it had to be a mixture of heat and beer, but ultimately I was damn tired.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mates of State Concert

Mates of State brought their “Summer Crushes” tour to Granada on July 7th to promote their newest project, a covers album called Crushes. But rather than just show up and play, they brought along a traveling variety show. At the end of the night, though, it was the joyful music of Mates of State that I’m going to remember. So what else was there?

The show was opened by a “juggler” named Lorq Nichols that managed to keep his set mercifully short. He attempted to be both a performance artist and a comic juggler, not succeeding at either of them very well.

Much better was comedian Nick Thune. He did a solid half hour of jokes. Some were better than others, as one would expect from any comic, but her just kep them coming! He held an acoustic guitar throughout must of his set, just strumming along while he was doing his bit. The most interesting and silliest part of the set came when I felt the desire to find out of somebody in the crowd could do a backflip. Sure enough, he found someone. And that person did it! This was followed by an epic imaginary tale of saving a baby’s life by doing a back flip. You kind of had to be there…

Main support was provided by Pennsylvania power pop band Free Energy, who ma ybe best known as the rock band on Astralwerks that were produced by James Murphy. They opened with the classic rock flavored “Light Love,” which is a long, mid-tempo number that shouldn’t have worked as an opening number, but it sounded great. They kicked things to the next level with “Dream City.” This was when I started noticing a pretty vivid divide on the crowd. The people that were into the band were really into the band. And I mean dancing like your are home alone and nobody can see you kind of enthusiasm. Yet the people that couldn’t relate seemed especially bored. I don’t know what they could have done better to get everyone involved, but some people just aren’t open to something new.

They have energy to spare, and will give it to you without charging you.
The band still fed off the energy of the dancers, and they played the room as if there were 20,000 people amped to be seeing them. They even pulled out a cover of Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m Going Down” that felt like the band made it entirely their own. They sealed up their 8-song set with a bang, well, the song “Bang Pop,” which was a totally appropriate way to end the set, leaving the audience perfectly sated. They definitely made some converts during this set, and the band has what it takes to get to the next level.

Finally up was Mates of State, a band that I’ve noticed has fans that truly love them. There’s an energy from crowd to band that’s without peer within the indie rock community. Perhaps this is because the band got their start during turn-of-the-millennium San Francisco and have lasted longer than other bands of that era, or perhaps it’s because the love Jason and Kori show for each other is infectious. What surprised me tonight, though, is how young the crowd seemed to be. Rather than playing to a bunch of aging fans, it looks like Mates of State is catching on with younger fans. These are kids with excellent taste.

This was just about the best set list I’ve seen Mates of State do. It was energetic (it was definitely a ROCK set), filled with fan favorites, interspersed with a few of their new cover songs (but not too many), and played both as a four-piece (accompanied by trumpet and guitar) and with their classic two-piece, eyes-locked-in-smiles arrangement. I managed to snag a photo of a set list, but it didn’t match up all that well with what was actually played. The highlights for me were “Goods,” “My Only Offer,” and the Girls’ cover “Laura.” (Could the covered band have been in the building?)

When this traveling Mates of State carnival hits your town, make sure to go out and see it. You might find yourself faced with an odd juggler at the beginning of the night, but by the end of the night you’ll be all smiles.

4th of July at the Lake

Its 4th of July weekend which means:
  • Granbury Lake house
  • Loud Music
  • Lake Swimming
  • Deck Diving
  • Eating nothing but hamburgers and hot dogs
  • Beer
  • Fireworks show
  • Making our own fireworks show
  • Playing with Machetes
  • More Beer
  • Katie passing out
  • Making fun of Katie for passing out
  • Finding more fireworks to light
  • Grilling food at 2 am
  • Listening to "My Maria" for 37 times in a row
  • Forgetting what time it is
  • Passing out on a recliner

This was only day one, we obviously had to repeat the same steps for Day 2 and then head back to Bedford.

Boj and Jess' Wedding

Well I just got off the plane from Kansas City and now it is time to get ready for an event that was 9 years in the making. Boj and Jess' wedding day.

I have been looking forward to this day for some time now because so many people were going to be there, no one was safe from not having a good time. Plus, I have another adventure in a 12 passenger van ahead of me.

Since my mom picked me up from the airport, she dropped me off at Paul and Katie's so I could get ready for the wedding. And by get ready for the wedding, I mean take a shower, get dressed, and start to drink with some of the people who were going to ride in the van with us.

One thing that I need to mention is that while a group of us were at P & K's house, the owners were not even there. They had to go to the church to take pictures and do a quick run through of the ceremony.

When the whole "Van" group arrived, it was time to pack up the van with the wedding gifts and a cooler of adult beverages for the long, long 30 minute drive to the church in Dallas. Our group consisted of Peter and Jess DeVries, Matt and Gail, J-Mill and Ginny, and Brittany and myself.

On our way to the church, we almost got into a wreck because some douchbag decided to stop in the middle of the highway and change lanes. That guy should have been shot in the face or at least let all of us kick him in the nuts one at a time until he learns how to drive.

We finally arrive at the church just as the last beverage has been consumed. Once we walked in and said our "hellos" to family and rest of the friends that had already arrived, the guys started to make all kinds of bets.

The first bet we made was how long the ceremony was going to last. The bets were a dollar each and the time ran by 5 minute increments starting at 50 minutes to and hour and 35 minutes. Dave won this bet by guessing 50 - 55 minutes long and the ceremony last only 47 minutes. Since he was the closest, he won be default.

Other bets that we played were who was going to cry first (groom or bride and whose mother), what readings were going to be read, and if anyone fainted. Unfortunately, no one cried or fainted and everyone got the readings correct.

After Boj and Jess said their "I Do's" and kissed, it was time for the ceremony to end and get back into the van for the reception portion of the evening.

The reception was held on the top floor of the Bank Of America Tower in Dallas that was not too far away from the church. Probably a 15 minute drive if that.

When the guestbook was signed, the wedding gifts were given, and our seating arrangement were found, it was time to party. And by party, I mean dance and enjoy the fully loaded open bar.

At this point of the evening, the usual reception events started. The mother/son dance, father/daughter dance, tossing the bouquet and guarder, speeches by numerous people in the wedding party, and of course, the dollar dance.

After a couple of hours of dancing and drinking, things started to calm down a little bit. All of the girls were in a corner talking about the wedding, how everyone liked the dress, and how great the ceremony and reception was. The guys on the other hand were either playing Foosball or still at the bar talking and hanging out.

By the time 11 p.m. came, it was time to close down the reception and get ready for the van ride back to P and K's house where the after party was waiting for us.

Everyone from the van along with several other carloads made it to P&K's for the after party. And this party last almost all night. The dust finally cleared and everyone collectively decided to call it quits at 4 a.m.

The next morning, Paul's backyard looked like a war zone. Katie, his wife, passed out on top of
the hot tub cover, beer cans/bottles were scattered all over the place, and signs of people getting sick were in the usual corner of the backyard. One strange that thing about the morning after was that the garage door was jammed with a dominoes case. No one knows how it happened but no one was really surprised by it as well.

I thought the festivities were over, but I was wrong. The only people left at the house were Paul, Katie, JM (Paul's cousin), and myself and it was up to us to keep the party going. And part of that party was returning the van to Denton where it was rented.

Paul and I rode in the van while JM followed us in Katie's car. Apparently, the radio gods were smiling on us that faithful day because we heard one classic song after another with no commercial breaks. Even though the songs were from the 80s or earlier, the were still classic none the less. Some of the songs we heard were "Piano Man" by Billy Joel, "Power of Love" by Huey Lewis, and "My Maria" by the guy who sings "My Maria".

After about a 40 minute drive and the van safely returned, the three of started to head back to Paul's house and get ready for the pool party at Katie's house. On the way, we did see the best advertisement ever. And what was the best advertisement for 3 guys in their 20s. Girls in bikinis playing on a water obstacle course.

The girls were advertising a restaurant called "Red Neck Heaven", a place were a redneck can be a redneck in peace. The premise of the place is just like any "Hooters" or "Bone daddy's", hot girls in tight ass clothing selling decent to mediocre food. But the three of us happen to come to this fine establishment on a Monday. And everyone knows that every Monday at Redneck Heaven is Bikini Monday, thus the girls in bikinis hanging playing with each other outside and thus deciding it would be impolite if we did not have a couple of drinks there.

Around drink number 2, Katie started to call Paul to see where we were so we could start the swim party at her parents house. It was in our best interest to head back her way since we left around 12 and it is now about 3 and we told her that the trip would only take about an hour or so.

We finally get to P&K's house, pack up our individual cars and head to Katie's parents house with some chips, towels, and enough champagne and orange juice to make a couple of gallons of mimosas if we wanted to.

After a couple of hours at the pool, the champagne started to die down and a storm suddenly appeared and we all knew that it was time to call it a day.

Overall, the weekend was pretty damn crazy and fueled by alcohol. Good times were had by all and some of the pictures that I have seen are outrageous as well. It is kind of funny/weird how you can piece together a night by looking a different pictures from people's cameras.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Kansas City Trip

Well, it is that time of the year again where I get to board a plane and head to a magical and mystical place called Kansas City.

The reason for the trip was to attend my cousin Candace's housewarming party and also to hang out with my extended family.

Within the first 30 minutes of my stay in Kansas, I knew I was in for a good time. At the airport waiting to pick me up was my Uncle Bob and my cousins Dirk and Daniel. All three of them are pretty laid back and were ready to grab a drink or 12. So off to the bar we were going.

We had to make one quick pit stop before we go to a bar named Tanner's. My cousin Stephanie just got home and wanted us to go pick her up.

After a 20 minute pit stop, we finally arrive at Tanner's and were ready to drink and eat. After our first drink order, we got some food and started to joke around and told what everyone has been up to lately.

The funny thing about when order a first round and start talking, that one round will quickly become 3 rounds which soon becomes 5 rounds and then should end at round 8. This is where I decided to call my Aunt Linda and act like everyone forgot to pick me at the airport. Everyone at the table were laughing and thought it was pretty damn funny. And by everyone, I mean everyone but my Aunt Linda. For some reason, she did not find the humor in our joke.

After a couple of hours at Tanner's, my cousin Dirk and I decided to hit The Plaza (the downtown area of Kansas) and try a couple of bars there.

Now I have been in Kansas since 11:30 am and it is now about 3 p.m. and The Plaza has way too many bars for a my cousin and I to hit up in one afternoon. So Dirk and I decide to stick with just one bar and also so I could meet his girlfriend Danielle.

Dirk told me about a decent bar called Tom Fooliers and it seemed like a good choice. After a few short hours, a couple of drinks and meeting Danielle, it was time to meet up with some more of my relatives for dinner and there was only one choice to have dinner at. Rudy's. This has to be one of my favorite Mexican restaurants to eat at when I am visiting my family.

Waiting at the restaurant for Dirk, Danielle, and myself were my Uncle Dan, Aunt Denise, cousins Julie, Jackie, and Dan. Dinner was basically the same as lunch. We just hung out, talked, drank, and basically had a good time.

After dinner, everyone went to my cousin Dan and Dirk' s house for a small party with some more of the cousins. After the Aunts and Uncles left, we decided to head to the Twin City Tavern for a couple of drinks and meet up some friends of my cousins for an hour or so.

When we were done drinking at the bar, everyone decided to come over to Dirk and Dan's place to keep everything going and not spending way too much money at the bar. We also knew that this would ultimately lead to a family tradition that I have with my cousin Dan. This tradition would be going to the Town Topic Hamburger Stand.

The Town Topic Hamburger Stand is an extremely small grill where only 3 people can fit behind the counter and dozen customers can fit inside at max. It is probably some of the best drunk food that anyone can get at 3 in the morning.

The next day, Dan and I got ready to head over to my cousin Candace's housewarming party around 3 in the afternoon. This was the main reason why I came to Kansas to visit. The party was beyond awesome on all accounts.

At the party, there was tons of food, beer, shots, beer pong, and flip cup. I am pretty sure that the neighbors received a rude awakening when they found out how late and how loud my family can be when we drink.

Candace did buy a pretty kick ass house. It is a 3 story house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a game room, a huge backyard and a damn good kitchen. It is definitely a great house and I expect more parties to be there for some quite time.

Hours later, the party ended I was within minutes of passing out, which was a good thing since my flight back home was at noon and I had a wedding to attend. It was a damn good weekend that I or my liver wont forget for a long time.