Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Las Vegas: Final Day

Oh Fatburger, you are the best meal at 4 in the morningMonday has finally arrived which means that it is our last day in Vegas. And since it was out last day, we had to check out of our hotel no later than 11 a.m. The only problem with this is that our plane didn't leave until 7 that night, so we had absolutely no where to go if we got bored of walking around all day.

And walk we did. I felt like I was living all of those Lord of The Rings movies by walking all over Vegas with random stops at Fatburger and any casino that we haven't gotten a chance to see yet during our trip.

This man's heart exploded shortly after finishing this beast of a burger I don't know how many casinos we went to that day, but I do know that we decided to go to every hotel that had the most distance between whatever stops we went to as a group.

I am extremely grateful that I ate before I met up with the rest of the group because they pretty much walked around aimlessly for hours. It was funny because the group was basically divided into 2 groups. One group were filled with people who enjoyed walking around aimlessly and another group who didn't. I, of course, was in the latter.

We walked all over the place and saw some things that I didn't know were even there. Such as water rides at the Venetian and seeing Pete Rose trying to sell his autograph.

Yes, I know what you are saying, "Wow Kevin you got to met Pete Rose?" Well yes I did get to meet him and that guy is a total douche bag. He wanted 30 bucks for an autograph that you could hardly read his name. We said nay to that and just got a picture with him instead.

After the Pete Rose encounter, the guys decided to head back to the Monte Carlo and watch some football games until the rest of the group showed up. It was a good hour and a half break that we got from roaming the streets of Vegas like a homeless person.

Everyone finally showed up and we were ready to go but Alex lost her camera and we had to stay just a little longer so she could go through her bags to find it. She never did. R.I.P. Nikon Digital Camera. Even though you were three weeks old, you will be sort of missed.

The 9 of us made it to the airport around 5:30 and waited for our plane. We just sat around until the plane was ready for us to board and that is when I got a rum and coke and fell asleep until we made it back home to Texas.

Overall it was a great trip and will probably go back in May with some other friends.

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