Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas 09: Vegas Style Day 1

In front of the Paris Hotel It is Christmas time and this will be the first year that I have ever travelled somewhere for the Holiday. Usually, I spend this day with my family by opening gifts, eating some food, and watching "24 hours of a Christmas Story".
Instead, I boarded a plane and went to Las Vegas to lose some money and try my best not to get into any trouble.

I went to Vegas and a couple of friends and their family. The trip was actually planned as a 21st Bday Bash for Katie's sister Alex. Since we were leaving on Christmas and the trip was going to be so cheap, other people decided to come as well.
When we are at the airport waiting for the plane, there was only one thing to do. Get a couple of drinks and devise a plan of which casino to play at first.

Once we were in Vegas, the nine of immediately went to the Monte Carlo Hotel, put our bags up, and then started to gamble. Now, I am not much of a gambler, mainly because I don't know anything about the sport, but I was completely ready to play the slots.

There wasn't really a game plan for everyone to on the trip with the exception of getting to tickets to see Penn and Teller. So, we basically just did what we wanted. We tried to stick together, but that only last about 5 minutes before everyone broke off from each other and explore the town in their own fashion.

It was about 9 at night, and after being in Vegas for a good 5 hours, it was definitely time to hit up some other bars on the strip. Of the 9 of us who came to Vegas, only 4 of us went out that night. The only destination on our minds were a bar called O'Shea's.

This place in known for its live music, crazy drink specials, and a midget dressed up as a Roxanne (Scottis Girl) and I at O'Shea'sleprechaun pouring out drinks like it is water. This place is also known as Heaven to some friends of mine.

I don't know who the band was, but they were awesome. They played all types of music and instead of a guitar player, they had a lady who played the violin. And she kicked ass on it. She played all of the guitar solos on it and they all sounded like the real thing.

While at O'Shea's, we a couple from France. The husband only spoke French but his wife/mistress translated for us. We also met a girl from Scotland. Our wolf pack grew from 4 to 7 and we were ready to party. After a couple of drinks and a couple of events of miscommunication, our French friends had to leave because of their early plans in the morning.The French Couple
We were rocking O'Shea's pretty hard, but we were becoming very tired due to the plane ride in and the amount alcohol we consumed over the course of the night that we were there.

To be honest, I don't know how many stops we did on the way from O'Shea's to the Monte Carlo. It had to be at least 5 stops just to check out each casino/bar and try out what they had to offer.

One thing I really liked about Vegas was that each Casino had its own certain touch that made it different from all of the others casinos.

One of my favorites of the night had to be the Flamingo. It was one of my favorites because it was in the middle of the strip and they had Santa Girls Dancing and they were the dealers in the Passion Pit as well. A good way to celebrate Christmas.
After a drunken walk home, we said goodbye to our new Scottish friend and finally made it to our hotel. The 4 of us were pretty much done for the night, but were eager to get up the next day to do it all again. Hopefully Day 2 will up pretty soon.
Katie, Paul, Alex and I

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