Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Last Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien

On Friday, January 22, Conan O'Brien hosted his last Tonight Show. For two weeks, Conan, Jay Leno, and NBC have been fighting about moving the Tonight Show to 12:o5 am so Leno can move his shitty Jay Leno show to 11:35 pm and move the rest of the show back a half hour.

Since Conan thought this was the worst idea ever, and it was, he decided that it would be best if left the show. I thought, along with many other people, that this was going to suck.

His last show was pretty good. He had Tom Hanks, who gave him the nickname "CoCo", Neil Young, and Will Ferrell.

Conan, along with Andy Richter, showed some clips that highlighed their 7 months that they were on the Tonight Show. After the montage, Conan gave a great speech about how he apprectiated all of his fans and that he was a part of the NBC family for 20 years.

It was a great farewell episode and I thought that it was great that Conan ended his show playing "Freebird" on guitar along with Beck, Ben Harper, one of the guys from ZZ Top, the Tonight Show Band, and Will Ferrell on lead vocals.

If you want to check out the last episode, then you can use the hulu link here.

Caleb Mark

Congrats to my friends Ogle and his wife Meagan who had their first child last week. His name is Caleb Mark Ogle he was born on January 16th.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Its 2010

I started the 2010 on a good note by going to a comedy club, a couple of house parties and capping the night off at IHOP. The next morning started with a big ass headache, but it was worth it. Happy 2010!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Las Vegas: Final Day

Oh Fatburger, you are the best meal at 4 in the morningMonday has finally arrived which means that it is our last day in Vegas. And since it was out last day, we had to check out of our hotel no later than 11 a.m. The only problem with this is that our plane didn't leave until 7 that night, so we had absolutely no where to go if we got bored of walking around all day.

And walk we did. I felt like I was living all of those Lord of The Rings movies by walking all over Vegas with random stops at Fatburger and any casino that we haven't gotten a chance to see yet during our trip.

This man's heart exploded shortly after finishing this beast of a burger I don't know how many casinos we went to that day, but I do know that we decided to go to every hotel that had the most distance between whatever stops we went to as a group.

I am extremely grateful that I ate before I met up with the rest of the group because they pretty much walked around aimlessly for hours. It was funny because the group was basically divided into 2 groups. One group were filled with people who enjoyed walking around aimlessly and another group who didn't. I, of course, was in the latter.

We walked all over the place and saw some things that I didn't know were even there. Such as water rides at the Venetian and seeing Pete Rose trying to sell his autograph.

Yes, I know what you are saying, "Wow Kevin you got to met Pete Rose?" Well yes I did get to meet him and that guy is a total douche bag. He wanted 30 bucks for an autograph that you could hardly read his name. We said nay to that and just got a picture with him instead.

After the Pete Rose encounter, the guys decided to head back to the Monte Carlo and watch some football games until the rest of the group showed up. It was a good hour and a half break that we got from roaming the streets of Vegas like a homeless person.

Everyone finally showed up and we were ready to go but Alex lost her camera and we had to stay just a little longer so she could go through her bags to find it. She never did. R.I.P. Nikon Digital Camera. Even though you were three weeks old, you will be sort of missed.

The 9 of us made it to the airport around 5:30 and waited for our plane. We just sat around until the plane was ready for us to board and that is when I got a rum and coke and fell asleep until we made it back home to Texas.

Overall it was a great trip and will probably go back in May with some other friends.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Las Vegas: Day 3

Damn I look like a good looking son of a b in front of that damAs you can guess by the title of this post, Day 3 of my Vegas Trip will be the main focus. The day started by getting up extremely early and getting on a bus to see the Hoover Dam.

The bus ride was supposed to be only 55 minutes long, but due to the Holiday traffic and the bomb scare in Detroit it was going to be longer. Our driver, Steve, told us right off the bat that it would be 20 to 30 minutes longer than usual. And the U.K. couple sitting behind me let out their frustration known.

Everybody has heard someone go off and doing some pretty crazy cussing, but I am now convinced that people from the U.K. treat cussing as a true art form. This guy worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master.

And this guy certainly knew if curse words. I am no stranger to cussing myself, but this guy could put anyone to shame. I wish I could write all of the things that he said, but I know my mom and a couple of my Aunts read this and I don't want to piss them off at all.

After an hour into the drive, the guy finally calmed down a little and we reached the Hoover Damn. We were told that we only had 2 hours to do whatever we liked but was recommended to take to underground tour first so we wouldn't be left behind If we were, it would be about a $ 300 taxi ride back to our hotel.

The 9 of us took the underground tour of the Hoover Dam and it was pretty impressive. It took 5 years to make the dam and they had several different shifts working 24 hours and only gave each man 2 days off a year. Even though several people died making the dam, they finished ahead of schedule and under budget.

Seeing the Damn Dam (I couldn't resist that immature joke, and I am pretty sure you said it while reading this post as well) was really cool. Half of the dam is on the Arizona side with the other portion is obviously on the Nevada side.

Once we checked out the Hoover Dam Museum and participated in the games, it was time to get back on the bus on head to the look out point on Lake Mead. Here is some knowledge for you, Lake Mead is the largest man-made lake in America. Don't ever say you cant learn something from this almost never read blog.

The lookout point was OK, nothing really interesting to see. A person could probably get the same feeling by looking at a lake from their own town. After the look at point stop came the chocolate store stop. This stop would be the most retarded and time wasting stop ever.

The stop was going to be at the Ethel M. and M&Ms Candy Store. Ethel M is the founder of the Mars Candy Corporation and apparently she loves wasting people's time. There was tour that people could take, but it was a self guided tour. So if you couldn't read or were already bored out of your mind, this would not be the tour for you. Another bad thing about the tour was we were supposed to watch people make chocolate, but all of the workers had the day off since it was Sunday. We were allotted an hour for this stop but we were done with in 15 minutes.

After much deliberation and convincing the bus driver to let us back on the bus, the whole tour group was ready to go and get back to gambling and watch the Cowboys Game.

Everyone was pretty tired from spending the whole day either riding in a bus or standing looking at a dam. A couple of us watched the game from the sports book area (that is where you can bet on all kinds of sports) and made some bets on the pony races. I only made to half time before I retired to my room to take a quick nap before we went to Fremont Street for the night.

An hour and a half later, I woke up refreshed and found out the Cowboys won the game. Because of this, I knew it was time to go out and have some fun on Fremont Street. We had to take a cab there, but it wasn't that bad. It may have cost 6 bucks a person as long as there were 4 of us in the cab.
Once we got there, the light show began on the ceiling of the covered area. It lasted about 10 A view from the Middle of Fremont Streetminutes or so and it featured the Guy who Sang "American Pie". OK I was just told that the guy who sings that song is Don McLean.

The whole group went to Fremont Street we probably stayed there way too long. We visited every casino they had at least twice and went to every bar as well. It was all in good fun though.

Slowly throughout the night, everyone left in small groups to back to the hotel and call it a night. The only ones left were Scott, Paul, Katie and Myself. After a couple of more drinks and some more gambling, the 4 of us decided to head back to the hotel and figure out what we were going to do since it was out last night in Vegas.

Once regrouped at the Monte Carlo, the girls wanted to out to a club by themselves so all of the guys decided just to check out a couple of the hotels and casinos that we have not been to yet.

We were only out for about an hour while we checked out the Luxor and Excalibur when we decided to call it a night as well.

Day 4 Coming soon, and hopefully it will be a short one.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Las Vegas: Day 2

Well, it is Day 2 in Vegas and I am feeling every bit of alcohol that I drank last night. The four of us woke up pretty late into the day and had lunch with the rest of the group.

Like I said in my previous post, we didn't have anything really planned for the trip except for the Penn and Teller show and that was for tonight. All we knew is that we had to be at the hotel lobby around 6 so we could get to the Rio and get our tickets.

We decided that getting some lunch would be the best thing to do since nobody has eaten since the day before. The idea for lunch was supposed to be the whole group eating together, but that was very hard to do since everyone was gone and could not be reached by phone.

The place that was chosen for our food intake was an awesome place called "The Pub". I thought this place was funny because instead of having some sort of drink as its mascot, they decided to have a whale instead. Of course this makes sense to a retard to use a whale blowing water out of its blowhole as a mascot, but at least the food was good.

Now this is one tasty burger Since the majority of us stayed out extremely too late the night before, we ordered the best hamburger they had to offer. The Hangover Cure Burger. The Hangover Cure Burger is your basic burger with meat, cheese, bacon, and whatever condiments that you would like to be put on it. But what makes it different from all of the rest is that they put a fried egg on it. And let me tell you, that had to be one of best burgers that I had ever eaten. I kind of felt like Samuel L. Jackson eating a Big Kahuna Burger from Pulp Fiction.

After what should have been a 30 to 45 minute lunch quickly became at least an hour and a half because everyone from the group were coming in and ordering at different times, it was time to leave and gamble some more. But there was only one problem, a couple of us were still feeling the pains and regret from the night before. So, it officially became nap time.

It was a good idea that I took a nap like an 80 year old man because I felt great and ready to go to the Penn and Teller Show. Since it was at the Rio, we had to get a cab because there was no way in hell that I was walk the whole way there.

When we walked into the auditorium for the show, there were some cool things going on as wait for everything to start. To the right of the stage was the Mike Jones Duo. Obviously there were 2 members in the group. Mike Jones, the leader of the two, was playing the piano while Penn was the bass player. The two actually sounded pretty good.

While the Mike James Duo was playing, everyone in the audience was invited to come on stage and inspect and get into a large wooden box and sign their name on a large envelope. Both of these props were going to be used in the show and it was actually pretty amazing.

Once everyone left the stage, a stage hand laid the box down and Teller came out of it while Penn walked out from behind a curtain. It was very interesting since everyone looked and got in the box and was in plain sight the whole time but no one knew how Teller got in the box in the first place.

The envelope that everyone signed was even more mind boggling. The trick was that Penn and Teller picked a random person from the audience by letting the rest of the audience pass around books to everyone. Penn would randomly pick a book and who ever had that book was invited to come on stage. You knew this guy was not a part of the trick because that meant that the whole audience had to be in on the trick in order to pass that book to him.

Basically, the trick was that Penn and Teller could determine which joke the audience member was going to choose from the book and the punchline would be written in the envelope that everyone signed earlier in the night. I don't know how they did it, but it was remarkable.

The show lasted about 2 hours and it was time for us to leave. We decided that the 9 of us were going to see the Hoover Dam the next day and had to be ready no later than 9 in the morning. Because of this, everyone wanted to go to bed even though it was only about 11 at night.

Getting some drinks before we GamblePaul and I decided to venture out on our own because we figured we don't get to visit Vegas that often and we wanted to have as much fun as possible. The two of us gambled at a couple of casinos and checked out some of the other bars since there is not last call in Vegas. At one bar, I ordered my drink and was then asked the greatest question of all time. "Do you want this drink for here or to go"? Just because of that question, I had to get the drink to go and explore more of what Vegas had to offer.

We ended up spending the most of our time at Bill's Gambling Hall. The penny slots were calling my name so of course I had to answer. I only spent a couple of bucks there and the majority of it went towards tipping the cocktail girl to ensure that she would come back with more drinks.

After a couple of hours at Bill's Gambling Hall, it was time for me to retire and head back to the hotel. Paul wanted to stay since he was doing well at the blackjack table, but once the clock hit 4 in the morning, I knew I was done for the day.

On the way back to the Monte Carlo Hotel, I stopped at the New York New York Hotel just to check out the Coyote Ugly Bar and the Nine Fine Irishman Bar. Both places were good but the prices for the drinks were really pricey. 30 minutes went by quickly and I don't think I have ever been so tired before. I finally made it back to room and got as much sleep as I could before the Hoover Dam trip the next morning.

Las Vegas: Day 3 coming soon.

Christmas 09: Vegas Style Day 1

In front of the Paris Hotel It is Christmas time and this will be the first year that I have ever travelled somewhere for the Holiday. Usually, I spend this day with my family by opening gifts, eating some food, and watching "24 hours of a Christmas Story".
Instead, I boarded a plane and went to Las Vegas to lose some money and try my best not to get into any trouble.

I went to Vegas and a couple of friends and their family. The trip was actually planned as a 21st Bday Bash for Katie's sister Alex. Since we were leaving on Christmas and the trip was going to be so cheap, other people decided to come as well.
When we are at the airport waiting for the plane, there was only one thing to do. Get a couple of drinks and devise a plan of which casino to play at first.

Once we were in Vegas, the nine of immediately went to the Monte Carlo Hotel, put our bags up, and then started to gamble. Now, I am not much of a gambler, mainly because I don't know anything about the sport, but I was completely ready to play the slots.

There wasn't really a game plan for everyone to on the trip with the exception of getting to tickets to see Penn and Teller. So, we basically just did what we wanted. We tried to stick together, but that only last about 5 minutes before everyone broke off from each other and explore the town in their own fashion.

It was about 9 at night, and after being in Vegas for a good 5 hours, it was definitely time to hit up some other bars on the strip. Of the 9 of us who came to Vegas, only 4 of us went out that night. The only destination on our minds were a bar called O'Shea's.

This place in known for its live music, crazy drink specials, and a midget dressed up as a Roxanne (Scottis Girl) and I at O'Shea'sleprechaun pouring out drinks like it is water. This place is also known as Heaven to some friends of mine.

I don't know who the band was, but they were awesome. They played all types of music and instead of a guitar player, they had a lady who played the violin. And she kicked ass on it. She played all of the guitar solos on it and they all sounded like the real thing.

While at O'Shea's, we a couple from France. The husband only spoke French but his wife/mistress translated for us. We also met a girl from Scotland. Our wolf pack grew from 4 to 7 and we were ready to party. After a couple of drinks and a couple of events of miscommunication, our French friends had to leave because of their early plans in the morning.The French Couple
We were rocking O'Shea's pretty hard, but we were becoming very tired due to the plane ride in and the amount alcohol we consumed over the course of the night that we were there.

To be honest, I don't know how many stops we did on the way from O'Shea's to the Monte Carlo. It had to be at least 5 stops just to check out each casino/bar and try out what they had to offer.

One thing I really liked about Vegas was that each Casino had its own certain touch that made it different from all of the others casinos.

One of my favorites of the night had to be the Flamingo. It was one of my favorites because it was in the middle of the strip and they had Santa Girls Dancing and they were the dealers in the Passion Pit as well. A good way to celebrate Christmas.
After a drunken walk home, we said goodbye to our new Scottish friend and finally made it to our hotel. The 4 of us were pretty much done for the night, but were eager to get up the next day to do it all again. Hopefully Day 2 will up pretty soon.
Katie, Paul, Alex and I