Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ben Kweller and The Jones Street Station

Last night, I saw a pretty good show at the Granada that featured the Jones Street Station and Ben Kweller. To be honest, I have never heard of the Jones Street Station, but they did play an awesome show. The band ended with them all standing together at the front of the stage with one guitar barley playing. It was cool because the whole place got creepy quiet since the band refused to use microphones for the last song. Once their set was over, the video screen came down and the roadies were setting up for the feature act of the night.

Ben Kweller came on the stage around 9:30 and played for about an hour. I only know two of his songs and they are "Commerce, TX" and "Wasted and Ready". With my luck, he opened his set with "Commerce, TX". He played some songs with his band and also did songs with just his guitar or piano. The show ended and everyone got out of the Granada pretty quickly because there were so many people in the small club that it smelled it ass and potatoes. If you like ass and potatoes combined, something must be wrong with you because that is one horrific smell and you should be tested. A group of kids went outside to get Ben's autograph.

Now, Ben seems like a bad ass. He took time to speak to everyone that wanted an autograph and took pictures as well. I told him that his dad was my friend's doctor, so he introduced me to his dad. He too is also a bad ass. I talked to him for a little bit where we discussed different bars and the best places to go on a boat. Overall, great time.

Here is a link to Ben Kweller's Wasted and Ready Video.

It is Officially Summer...

....because for the past 3 days in a row, it has been hot as hell outside. The average is 100 degrees and counting and it will only get hotter as the summer progresses.

Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson

It was a sad week in the Entertainment History this week. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson all died this past week. Whether you liked them you not, everyone knew that they were some sort of iconic figure in their field of entertainment. One did comedy, one did television, and the other did music. There were huge in their own right in the respected field that they chose and they will all be missed.

A Hell of a Lot of Rain

A couple of weeks ago the clouds opened up and threw down a ton of rain on the great state of Texas, mainly hitting the DFW area. The storm started on a Wednesday night with some heavy rain and a ton of lighting and thunder. The storm calmed down a little bit and then it started back up with a vengance.

The just came pouring down. Within a couple of hours, the news reported that nearly 10 inches of rain came down since the it started up again around 7 a.m. I work in Dallas, and so many people were late to work because of all of the back traffic and horrible rain conditions.

Many of the parking garages at my work were flooded. You can check out some of the videos here and here.
By noon, the main storm had passed the DFW area anything left was a slight drizzle of rain. Later that night, the news stations were reporting that there alot of blackouts and major rain damage not only to houses but to road construction too.

Through out the day, my friend Paul was sending me pictures of how the rain was effecting his home. Below are some of the pictures that he had sent me. Because of the rain, he was trapt in his house for a couple hours due to unsafe driving conditions.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sneaky Petes

Last Friday, a group of us went to a bar called Sneaky Pete's after work. The bar is in Lewisville, and although it was a little bit of a drive to get there, the place was pretty fun. The place was right off of the lake so there were tons of boats that would just come up to the dock and just go to the bars and party with everyone. Some boats just tied themselves to other boats and had a party right on the lake.

One of the funniest and most strange events that occurred that night was the a participant in the wet t shirt concert. The lady was 35 year old mom who brought her 13 year old son with her. Of course the mom didn't look a day over 20 and her body didn't look past the age of 3. Once the mom went up on stage in front of a crowd of at least 200 people, the son fled like he just committed a crime. Even though the mom came in second in the contest, she was number one in a lot of people's hearts that night, even her own son's.

A cool thing about Sneaky Pete's is how big the place actually is. The entrance seems like it should belong to a hotel because of the horseshoe shape and the fact that it offers valet. Once you walk in, it seems like just a regular bar and grill that has a lake view. When you go outside, you actually realize how big the place really is.

They have 2 large pools and a patio that wraps around and forms a stage for bands to perform on. Once you leave the pool/stage area, there are 3 sand volleyball courts ready to use. There is also a huge bar in the center of their property right off of the water. There had to be at least 3 different bar areas that Sneaky Pete's had and they were always packed. We will probably go there again pretty soon in order to rent a boat and cause some mayhem were we are not already banned from.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Doctors say that red balls are much worse then blue balls I am really stoked when summer comes. Baseball games, pool parties, drinking outside on the patio, and of course Wipeout.

Wipeout is about a bunch of retarded thrill-seekers who compete in the world's largest extreme obstacle course of epic proportions designed to provide the most spills, face plants and wipeouts ever seen on television, in Wipeout, a painfully funny new reality series.

Each week 24 daring new contestants of all ages, shapes and sizes will go head to head through rounds of grueling and physically demanding but wildly hilarious obstacles to win the title of "Wipeout Champion" and the grand prize of $50,000. The contestants and the courses change every week, including new over-the-top obstacles such as "The Catapult," "Plank in the Face," "Hurtles," and the return of the fan favorite the "Big Balls."

The final obstacle course is the best. It is a huge obstacle course which the winner is determined by who has the best time. The course does change every week and non of the contestants are allowed to see the final course until they are about to compete that course. When the course is completed, only the person with the best time so far is allowed to watch the other contestants until that person's time is beaten.

What else makes this show so great is that the 3 hosts do nothing but make fun of the contestants. They will call them names and replay their falls or them getting hit in the face with any object that is being thrown at them. I would highly recommend this show to anyone who likes to make fun of people and watch them make complete fools of themselves.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Hangover

Awesome scene from the movie 'The Hangover'
This had to be one of the funniest movies that I have seen in theatres in awhile. Basically, the movie is about 4 guys who go to Vegas for a bachelor party. They take some shots and they wake up the next morning remembering nothing and discovered that they have lost the bachelor. All hell ensues and the comedy begins. It was really good and recommend everyone to see it.

Conan O'Brien takes over Tonight Show

Conan is watching you read this entire blog On June 1, 2009, Conan O'Brien took over the Tonight Show. I have been anticipating this move for some time now because I think that Conan is one of the funniest people on TV right now.

After a couple of months of being absent from TV, he came back with some pretty good skits and interviews as well. The only negative that I would have to say is that Andy Richter talks a little too much for me. I thought the show worked better when Conan, or Coco, would do skits with Max Weinberg and the Band.

The new set that they have built is pretty cool looking. Conan also talked about some of the stuff that he was not allowed to bring to the tonight show because he is now on an earlier time. One of those things is the infamous "Masturbating Bear" . That is right, the bear was not allowed to come, no pun intended, to the tonight show because NBC felt it would be in poor taste since children might be watching the show instead of studying or sleeping like they should be.

So far, the show is awesome, and the guest and skits are really great as well, hope Conan can keep this up so they will let him take over his old show again because I can not stand Jimmy Fallon.