Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to everyone!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Housewarming Party and the Cowboys

My friends Paul and Katie had a housewarming party so all of the friends and family could check out their new house. About 25 people came to the housewarming party and it ended up being a pretty good time.

The event started at 7 on Friday and it didn't end until the next day around noon. Paul thought it was a good idea, and it was, to get a keg for the party. The majority of the people showed up around 8. By midnight that same night, the keg was already floated. We had to quickly get a couple of cases of beer to just to make sure we had the rest of the night covered.

Of those 25 people that showed up, only 7 of stayed until morning. That was probably one of the biggest mistakes, because the next morning I felt horrible. It was probably due to the fact that a couple of us thought it was a great idea to do an outrageous number of shots and play a hardcore game of golf on the wii.

That night, which is now Saturday, I went to watch the Cowboys game at Ogle's house. The game was stupid. I couldn't believe that not only did we lose the final game at the old stadium, but the farewell special was hardly audible because the WB local news are retards.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Smell Like The Burger King

the King is the ultimate Wrangler Have you ever wanted to get the type of ladies that the infamous Burger King gets? Well today is your lucky day then. Burger King is now sell a product that will let you smell like the King himself.

You can check out the spray here. The slogan for this awesome body spray is "Body spray of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat".

The crazy thing about this promotion is that it is not fake at all. You can actually buy the spray online and apparently it has become somewhat popular. Alot of people have been buying this product to either try and be funny or attempt show a person how little they care for one another.

Many people have wondered how the executives at the Burger King Headquarters though of this idea. Well, if you have every been to a Burger King, you just need to check out the BK Manager. As the whole world knows, every Burger King Manager is just knee deep in hot lady ass.

Hopefully I can get this spray this year for Christmas and be just like that overweight, middle aged, divorced, lonely, diabetic, bicycle ridding, still living with his parents Burger King Manager. Only one could hope to be so lucky.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

3 Weeks Off From Work

The first party that I had to celebrate my 3 weeks off from work I just want people to know that I have 3 weeks off from work and it is awesome.

I have been enjoying getting up everyday around 10 and not having to worry about work or anything involved with work. So far, my only "job" has been going out at night and gretting ready for a couple of huge parties that are going to occur in the near future. I have also gotten all of my Christmas shopping done, so that is also a big plus.

I am also planning on going to the Windstar Casino and lose some money knowing that if I did not take those weeks off, I would be saving money.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Helping Paul Move

Over the past weekend, I went and helped Paul and Katie move into their new home. Their apartment was located in Euless and they moved 6 minutes down the street to city called Bedford.

The move was horrible. It took all day and it wore me out, but it did end up being a lot of fun. Not only did we get everything moved out of their apartment in only one day, but we got to destroy a huge desk while doing it.

Paul had an old computer desk that he has had since birth and wanted to get rid of it. Obviously, giving the desk to someone in need or to a charity was not even considered to be a proper solution.

The only solution: throw the damn thing down a flight of stairs of course. It was the best decision that we had made that day. The flight of stairs was about 25 steps high and the desk had enough room to slide down the stairs. When Paul pushed the desk down the stairs, it rolled down smoothly at first, then near then second to last step, it completely shattered. The noise was horrific and some tenants came out of their apartment just to make sure everything was ok.

The nice about it was that fact that we got the whole thing on camera, oh and we finished setting up Paul and Katie's house with no problem at all.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Music Videos: Part 2

That is right folks, once again I am bored at work. So here are some more music videos that I think are pretty interesting to watch.

Bjork: Its Oh So QuietThe Foo Fighters: Long Road To Ruin (Davy Grolton: Live at the Mall) Fatboy Slim: Weapon Of Choice The Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Gold Lion The White Strips: Fell In Love With a Girl Jamoroquai: Virtual Insanity Nada Surf: Popular The Smashing Pumpkins: Tonight, Tonight Jay Z: 99 Problems Kayne West: Stronger

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Am In A Documentary

Yes it is true, I am in a documentary. Well, that is what people are calling it at least. Last February, my friend Jon and I went to meet some movie stars and apparently I made an impression on people. I met Malcolm McDowell and Kristina Klebe.

The makers of the documentary saw me talk to Kristina Klebe in the bar section and they interviewed me really quick. I am pretty sure they knew I was awesome because I kept on requesting the Bar DJ to play nothing but Journey, White Snake, and Bon Jovi.

Although I am at the end of the dvd for about 5 minutes, it is still pretty cool to say that I have been featured in a documentary. I know this is wishful thinking, but I am going to try and put myself on IMDB or Wikipedia to tell people about it.

So if you ever get bored and want to watch me make a fool out of myself, then you should check this documentary out.