Monday, June 21, 2010

Pauly Shore: The Weasel In Person

Met Pauly Shore at a Family Video Store the other day. He was a douche and I probably need to get tested for hep c because he looked like a dirty homeless man. Just look at the picture above, he just looks like dirty desperate piece of s**t.

Anyway, he was supposed to be there for 2 hours but left 30 minutes early so he could reevaluate his career and life choices.

The month of June is going to be....

....too damn hot, we have already had too many days with triple degree heat.

Trivia Finals Featuring Todd Scott

The time has come and Team Todd Scott is going to try and win the coveted title "Masters of Trivia".

For awhile not, at least for 3 months, a group of us have been participating in a Live Trivia Contest almost every Tuesday and Thursday at our local Friday's Restaurant. Its completely free to play and if you come in first, you get $50, second place - $25 , and third will get you $10.

Again, since we have been playing for such a long time, we have accumulated alot of prizes, which are always Friday's Gift Cards, and points that will help us qualify into the semi-finals and hopefully the finals.

Since we have been playing on 2 different days at 2 different locations, we were able to qualify 2 teams of 5 people per team into the semi-finals. Both of the teams breezed through the semi-finals and were on the way to the finals.

The final round, much like the semi-final round, was much different compared to the beginning rounds of the game. Instead of an hour and a half of play time, the game would now last at least 3 hours. The questions were obviously much harder and the half time and final questions were worth 30 points instead of 20 now.

Anther big thing at this event was the known presence of the Trivia Staff. These members would walk around to make sure that no team was using a phone, computer, or any other type of source that could be used for cheating. If you were caught, your team would be disqualified right on the spot. Fortunately, this did not happen to any team.

Since we had 2 teams in the finals, we decided that we need a range of people with different interest and backgrounds so we would have a range of knowledge of different subjects and fields.
The categories for the Trivia finals were history, science, mythology, music, TV, geography and so on. Basically, any question that you think of that may be in Trivia Pursuit, there is a good chance that we will get the same question.

My team consisted of Brian, his fiancee Jess, his dad Allan, and myself. We did pretty damn good during the first half of the competition, we were tied for 3rd place and had a chance to win some cash and other prizes. But the second half would prove that Trivia has a dark side.

When we started the 2nd half, we quickly got a few questions that were worth 7 and 9 points each wrong. It seemed that we would get the questions that were worth the fewest points right and struggle on the questions that were worth the most. The sad thing is that for each question that was missed, someone in the group knew the answer but quickly doubted themselves.

At the end of the competition, our team went from being tied for 3rd place all they way to 9Th place out of 30 total teams that were playing in the game. If we got 8th place, we would have won at least 20 bucks or so. Unfortunately, the other Todd Scott team did not place at all in the top 10. I think they placed at either 12 or 14, I just know that it was an even number.

One thing I wished that would have been handled differently was the location of the Final round. It was on a Sunday night while the NBA Playoffs were going on the the A/C was not working correctly. It was crowded as hell and hot as balls in the place. Other than that, the night was pretty much fun. At least now we know what our competition will be like when we try and make the finals again for next season.

Oh and if you are wondering why our team is called Todd Scott, well then wonder no more. Our friend Matt had a fake id in high school and the named he used was Todd Scott. Now that you know the story behind the name, you will be able to sleep easy and wonder what names your kids are going to use for the fake ids.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bachelor Party in Shreveport

Are you ready for a tale about a weekend full of debauchery, gambling, and van full of guys heading to Shreveport? Well you are in luck then, because this is exactly what this post is going to to be about.

My friend Brian is getting married at the end of June and a group of us threw him a bachelor party. Originally, 12 us were going to go to Shreveport for this once in a lifetime opportunity but due to some unforeseen circumstances, only 9 went.

The weekend started by a couple of the guys going to the colonial golf tournament and then everyone meeting at Paul's house at 3 in order to hit the road and head to Shreveport.

Since a big group of us were going and we all wanted to get there at the same time, we decided to rent a 12 passenger van instead of people driving multiple cars. This would prove to be one of the best ideas anyone has had.

Since 2 people were now unable to go on the trip, we had more room in the van for the necessities. Such as the biggest cooler I have ever seen filled with beer, liquor, and other beverages.

It took a little over 3 hours, a case of beer, a couple of shots, and a pit stop at Dairy Queen to get to Shreveport.

When we got to Shreveport, the group immediately went to the room to drop off our luggage and changed into different clothes if we needed to and started to gamble in the casino.

It seemed that everyone was doing fairly well until a game called Blackjack started to call our name. Blackjack is the Devil. I don't like to gamble much, and by much I mean at all, but my friends do. I was rough to watch them losing like crazy and drinking their sorrows away. Well to be honest, the drinking didn't bother me, just the hardcore losing.

Now, I don't know how long we gambled, but it was long enough for us to stir up an appetite for some diner food. At this time of our stay at Shreveport was probably our classiest moment. Instead of giving a long story of what everyone did, I will just give you a quick rundown.
  • Paul ordered a chicken fried steak and quickly fell asleep at the table waiting for his food
  • Dave kept on checking out a really hot blond at the bar
  • J Mil kept on yelling at the top of his lungs that Dave was checking out the really hot blonde at the bar
  • Dale, the brides brother, was probably dead for a little bit due to his lack of body movement and ability to talk. Turns out he was just bored.
  • I was stealing stuff
  • Eric just looked at everyone is disbelieve and ate his food.

3 am quickly rolled in and almost everyone was ready to pass out. We spent a good 12 hours in Shreveport and it was time to head back home. On the way, we made a couple of stops at a Waffle House and gas station. We also played the worlds most offensive game that I wont be able to talk about on this blog. Also, I had to omit a bunch of other things that happened on the trip because it was either too lewd or no one would believe me.

Oh and the party didn't stop when we got back home. A bunch of the guys then went to a club and partied until late hours of the night, but that is all that I can legally talk about.

I will give you an update on the wedding in the next couple of weeks and see what kind of shenanigans occur.